Complete Payroll Services
If you prefer a hands-off approach to Payroll, let the CPS team of experts do the job for you. We can manage your entire payroll process - everything from the initial hours entry to staff payments and government remittances. Of if you prefer, we can simply take a subset of the payroll processes off your plate to free up your available resources. If your business is in need of a payroll service, simply choose the level of service you require.
- Managed Payroll Services - We can take care of your payroll run from start to finish. Just send us your employee hours and a CPS specialist will do the rest. We will enter the hours, process the payroll, send the direct deposits (electronic funds transfer), submit your CRA remittances and even process your RRSP and garnishment payments. Once complete, we will send you all the reports.
We can also provide service for any subset of the payroll process. For example you may wish to process their own payroll and leave the government remittance portion to us. Talk with us about your needs - we're flexible! - Self Service Payroll - Prepare and manage your own payroll including the instant printing of customized payroll cheques and reports right in your office. This low cost service allows your business the luxury of using our online systems to complete your payroll workflow in several steps - and at a time that suits your busy work schedule.
Call 1-800-665-5129 now and get started with a CPS Payroll or HR service today!
Looking for a Payroll Solution in Canada?
Canadian Payroll Systems (CPS) provides Payroll and Human Resource software and online solutions for thousands of companies across Canada. If your business has a unique payroll or HR need or you are simply looking for an alternative to your current method, contact us today. We can offer you a customized solution that will suit your unique business requirements. Please call 1-800-665-5129 or send an email request to: